Sunday, December 7, 2014


So a practicum is a student teaching I had the opportunity to do this past semester with our laboratory school. I was lucky enough to do it with an art specialist and created my own lesson plan. I did a focus on Community portraits and teaching First graders what a community is and why it is important to participate in one and understand that everyone in the community is individuals and has similarities and differences. For the art project it was done on one large piece of butcher paper where they traced their selves on the paper and had it overlapping with their neighbors. In the spaces of their body they filled it with designs, colors or things that represent themselves and made them an individual. In the spaces that overlapped with their neighbor they found similarities and filled the space with pictures, colors or anything that was similar between the neighbors. This was a fun project to do with the children and here are some pictures of the results!
Here is a picture of the children's outlines that they did of eachother

Tracing, have a friend help, but let the children trace the insides of their own legs

Here is some examples of children's overlapping

Note: using water tempra will cause a very big mess, and for some odd reason children find joy in actually splashing the water around onto other children's outlines- so be careful with the water they have.

Hope you enjoyed the art project community portraits and are able to make it into a project you can use with your own children or community! Have Fun!

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