Sunday, December 7, 2014

Expanding 8

In class we did a collaborative art work that was also crossed with a math lesson- sounds like bounds of fun right! The project has every student drawing on a projector film (clear plastic) and had to graph out dots from a graph and then draw from the coordinate points.

Below is a picture of my project, each different color is from a different person adding to the artwork, and it was a collaborative of four people.
sorry ignore my reflection in the artwork, it's me.

In order to create this artwork you have four children and create a math graphing flash card where each children need to complete the task. Example student 1: x= 1+2, y= 7+3, etc. Once all the children have plotted their coordinates they then draw straight lines between their dots and create an art work out of it. The four children will add their projector film to create the final artwork. Have fun with this one!

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