Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Non- Objective Squares

Non-Objective art, what is it? I means an art work that is made and doesn't represent anything in real life. It is pure imagination, nothing you would see in real life. For my class assignment we created non-objective squares individually. The only rules that were given were to create a line across the square in any way. As students we had the option of paint, markers, glue, scissors and what ever we wanted, just like we would present the project to future art students.

I created my non-objective square using negative space as the line. I cut the board apart and then sowed it back together after switching one of the halves over. I chose this option because it seemed the most unique way to create a line for myself.

Once we were done with our own squares at the critique we split into groups and put our squares together to create a new art piece. This process helps accomplish the state art objective of collaborative artwork and working together. Since everyone began the project as an individual process there is a wide variety of squares to put together and it is fun to see where the art work goes. Here is a link to a tutorial at Cassidy's Art Lesson: TUTORIAL FOR NON-OBJECTIVE SQUARE

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