Monday, November 24, 2014


The artist Alexander Calder created an art work called Calder's Circus which was a sculpture that was created using wire and some other materials. The art work was created in the late 1920s and was an iconic work that is owned by the Whittney museum in New York, New York. Here is a picture of the Cirque Calder:

 Our goal this assignment was to create our own circus and create a collaborative art piece where everyone made their own part of the circus in wire sculpture form. The assignment is to create something out of wire that you would see at a circus. The final produce must be 3D. This is a harder material for children to work in so you can get weaker wire, but for my assignment I used bailing wire from home depot which is a normal wire medium for college students to use but may be too hard for children to cut and bend. You will need to also supervisor your children as they cut the wire and make sure they are not hurting themselves, cause that is never fun. Below is my wire sculpture I created for the project:

I created a hot air balloon because I was just recently in New Mexico during the hot air balloon festival and was able to see hot air balloons in real life. You also get to see hot air balloons with circus's such as in the Wizard of Oz. We suspended my piece above the other collaborating sculptures. Here is a link to the tutorial at It's a Love Hate Kind of Thing: Wire Sculpture + Tutorial:

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