Sunday, November 23, 2014

Value, Color and Rhythm

For this project we used a multi senses again, audio and visual. The goal is to teach children the benefits of color and rhythm. This is teaching by exploration so don't tell your children what they need to do, just set them up with paint and a comfortable place that can get dirty. The first artwork is exploring value, or the lightness and darkness of art. Give the children white and black tempra paint (washes out easier) and a bright colored poster board to paint on. Then turn on music they have never heard before- nothing they could have pre conceived feeling on and let them paint to what they feel exploring with mixing of black and white and creating value. Here is my painting on value:

Looks like a Jackson Pollock, I began to beat my brush to the beat of the song at the end, and then whirl
The song I painted to was bazaar and I tried to find it but couldn't, really it was a crazy electronic symphony song that was awesome! So just choose something that you yourself haven't heard before.

The next painting the children will do you will light talk about complimentary colors - red/green, orange/blue, purple/yellow. And have the children choose out what complimentary color they would like to paint with. The whole discovery the children will have with this one is what will happen when they mix complimentary colors together, or mix white and black with a color. Also have the children choose a simple shape to repeat over again throughout their piece. At the end they may add one accent color to their piece if they desire (I desired).  While they paint again have them listen to a song that they do not know again, we listened to an Italian opera (a language non of us know). 

My color painting
Have fun creating this project with your children!

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