Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rhythm Sculpture

For this project we focused on Rhythm, what is it? Is it something that is only in music or can it be in art also. To begin off with their project have students listen to a simple rhythm, it might be played by only a drum, or in a song. For the purpose of this assignment is to create a sculpture having a minimum of three layers that you can look at and attempt to mimic the rhythm represented. For example clap, clap, clap clap, clap. Another example clap clap clap, boom, clap clap clap. This sculpture should mimic sound also on the use of bright or muted colors to being loud or soft sounds. As a class we were given free reign of sorts on the materials we could use- I used a styrofoam cut ours, plastic paper and pipe cleaners. You start with a simple matt board cut out and build your sculpture thing on top. When the sculpture is done matt the sculpture onto another matt board (black) to make it presentable. Here is my sculpture:

Side view so you can see the layers.

When discussing the sculptures with students and having a critique have them clap out the rhythm that they see represented. For example my sculpture could be clap CLAP clap, repeated over and over. Have fun doing this project! And remember to make it an audio experience as well as a visual for your students. Here is a link to a tutorial at Elementary Art : Rhythm Sculpture Tutorial

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